Shannon Perrine
Shannon Perrine
Height: 5'4
Year: FR
High School: Chico
Events: 50 Free, 100 Free, 50 Back, 100 Back, 100 IM

Where Did you Grow Up:

"I grew up in San Luis Obispo for most of my childhood, but moved around a bit throughout my high school, ultimately graduating from Chico High School in Chico, California. I started swimming when I was three, and have loved the water for as long as I can remember."

Great moments in the sport of swim/dive: 

"Senior year of high school my swim team had a night practice where we turned off the pool lights and we played games and did relays with thousands of glow sticks for light. It was crazy, swimming in a rainbow pool."

What do you plan to do in the future: 

"Currently I'm a kinesiology major, with the ultimate goal of becoming a chiropractor."