Mia-Michelle Morris
Mia-Michelle Morris
Height: 5'6
Year: FR
High School: Mt. Shasta
Events: 100 Breast, 200 IM

Where Did you Grow Up:

"I grew up in Mount Shasta adn have been swimming since I was two. I quickly fell in love with the sport and have continued swimming through South Siskiyous Swim Team, Weed High School, Mount Shasta High School, and now Shasta College."

Great moments in the sport of swim/dive: 

"My favorite swim memory is every club swim meet having my team singing and dancing during my 500-Free next to my lane and my mom annoyin gme every time "Party in the USA" would play which she continues to do to this day."

What do you plan to do in the future: 

"Currently I am doing my general education in order to swim in hopes to transfer and continue swimming whle getting a degree in psychology then later become a firefighter-paramedic."